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Dark or Light Garment?

For businesses aiming to maximize efficiency and reduce expenses, deciding the type of a garment to print on is a crucial step in the design and production process. Making these decisions early in the project is critical to the final outcome. For some companies, darker-colored garments may work best due to factors such as design […]

What’s the difference between Polyester and Cotton?

You often see clothes and upholstery made of polyester or cotton. That’s not surprising: both are extremely popular fabrics. People often think they are the same material. But nothing could be further from the truth: polyester and cotton have very different properties. Polyester vs. cotton: at House of U, we would love to tell you […]

Intel Liftoff Program

Great Kickoff call with Intel Liftoff Program Team. This collaboration not only propels our growth and visibility but also fosters unique connections within the technology Ecosystem. We’re excited to embark on this journey, leveraging Intels extensive resources, tapping into their expert insight and getting a chance connect with top AI organizations @spoolerinc . #intelliftoff #ai #aistartups #intel

Sesame Street Activewear x Spooler: Promoting Healthy Lifestyle for Children and Adults

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — “Spooler,” a tech-driven design startup, is developing and launching a Sesame Street active wear product line, under its HDLV-USA brand, into the Health & Wellness market. Sesame Street Active Wear – Elmo Leggings The new active wear line for children, women, and men include yoga pants, sport tops, athletic t-shirts, tanks and socks featuring […]

K.P Reddy Investors Feature

There is no brighter runway than the Internet. Sorry, Paris, NYC, Rome, you will always be beautiful and loved. But the new fashion capital is online. Among those leading the dazzling fusion of technology and fashion is Spooler, a company that develops technology and systems to create innovative products to help improve the future of fashion. […]

HDLV-USA Creates Business Opportunities for Designers

In this age of Covid, with touring, art exhibitions, and live concerts caught in the balance, creative endeavors and the people who fuel them have ground to a near halt. Creative artists have been laid off, while big corporations and mid-size companies downsize internal staff to offset losses due to unexpected market downturns. HDLV-USA is the one […]

Sesame Street – World Refugee Day

Today, we are facing the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time. 68.5 million people are displaced worldwide, over 30 million of whom are children. And yet less than 3 percent of all humanitarian funding goes to education—and only fraction of that to early childhood development (ECD)— despite all we know about the proven benefits of […]

2019 Licensing Expo

Synchronicity at work during our historical Licensing Expo Conference at Mandalay Bay. Our team was able to fill up our pipeline with exciting new strategic partnerships, and collaborations until 2021.

Mogul, Rapper, Visual Artist Lil’ Flip Collaborates with On-Demand Clothing Brand

Trend Setting Music and Fashion Entrepreneurs Revolutionize a Billion Dollar Industry Through Art   Rapper, Mogul, and Visual Artist Lil’ Flip has entered into a collaboration with fast-growing clothing brand HDLV-USA (which stands for “High Demand – Live Vibration”). HDLV-USA’s website provides socially trending apparel across a variety of categories, such as Political, Pop Culture, […]